Motivational Quotes

Ask in pray

Let’s think a moment. Is there something that we have now that we do not receive? If not why we behave as though it’s all because we are weary toil under the sun?
On the other hand, if you feel at this time does not have anything and realized that anything are given, why you do not ask for? One of the core of prayer is a request. But remember, what we frequently ask in pray showing us who we are.

Motivational Quotes

Decide it, others will follow

Many things going on in this world are just because of one decision. It was not just suddenly happened. But we know clearly that there is a good decision and bad decision at all.
The most often question appear are, how to make a decisions in difficult situation?
One thing that we have to realize is… the decision was necessary in the difficult time or when the people do not feel that there is no problem at all. If the action can be taken easily and its acceptable to all and can be decided easily, no need for taking any decision.

Decide what you want to decided, the other will follow even whatever you never think before will follow you. If you have decided, you will be in focus.

Motivational Quotes

Write Down your goal

goalTarget or Goal is one of the most important things to make, It is just as important as results. What was the different having and without targets is the end result.

So what next? Define the end result, make a goal and break it down to smaller goal.
By making it smaller, we can monitor the results time to time. With goal in mind and do it one step ahead, you would be great full heart to thank God for whatever you had have. Make your goal, before you are to become the target of others.