Motivational Quotes

Let’s talk

If we analyze it, sometimes relationship get in to problem not caused by a serious matter. It’s frequently comes just because one to another have wrong in thinking.

A husband think with him self about his spouse,  “she should know that” “Seharusnya dia tahu”

By such thinking, It will not bring us a real solution, because we are not always right in that way.

Do not let the small thing making your relationship get in to disharmony. So let’s talk, do not think your partner should know what in your head unless you say it.

Motivational Quotes

Who will you be Tomorrow?

One man sat at a stop light. The woman in front of him was going through papers on the seat of her car, and when the light changed to green she didn’t go. A green light is not a suggestion, you know, it is more of a commandment. But she didn’t notice.

When the light turned red again, she still had not moved. The man in the car behind her now started screaming epithets and beating on his steering wheel.

A policeman tapped on his windshield. “You can’t arrest me for hollering in my car,” the man said. The cop asked for his license and registration, returned to his car, talked on the radio for a while, and finally handed the papers back. The driver protested, “I knew you couldn’t cite me for yelling in my own car!”

The officer replied, “I didn’t want to cite you for shouting in your car. But I was directly behind you at the light. I saw you screaming and beating your steering wheel, and I said to myself, ‘That man is out of control. He’s going to hurt someone!’ Then I noticed the cross hanging from your rear view mirror, the bright yellow ‘Love Is a Choice’ license tag, the ‘Give Peace a Chance’ and ‘Prayer Changes Things’ bumper stickers, and I was sure you must have stolen the car.”

His behaviour did not reflect his bumper stickers. But let’s not be too critical. Are we always the people we want to be?

We make changes by stretching. Personal transformation can happen when the person we presently are does not yet resemble the person we hope to be. kupu2Better to set high ideals and occasionally fall short than to settle for mediocrity and succeed.

The important question is not, “Who are you today?” It is better to ask, “Who will you be tomorrow?”

Remember: if nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.

by Steve Goodier

Motivational Quotes

Love in Children’s Langauge

Cute Kids in Children's CostumesIf we want to take some appropriate words describing the hearts of children is, smooth and easily broken. The children were soft and not safe.

Children often look to you to get an answer to their understanding about the world around them. Imagination and their spirit floating on every word spoken to him.

Adults around them (parents) have a tremendous influence over what you might imagine! For that we must watch and alert, should not be looked at lightly.

Good and evil was a child in your hands. Teach and let your child grows to the purity and goodness and your child will walk in that direction. Show your child how to create a life full of purpose and direction and he will take the stick and continue to fight against efforts to make the change to the world. All these things are awesome responsibilities that most parents should understand.

Love of parents for their children and would do anything for them – even die for them. However, there is something very few parents understand the nature of their children.

There is a similarity for all the children in this world, namely that children need to be loved. This is one of the obvious that most people understand. It is therefore no need to spend much time on this topic. But the children often interpret the same TIME is LOVE. This is a point many parents do not understand and because it is important to note.

It’s unnecessary making time for your children by always doing fun activities. However, should ALWAYS be there for your kids, because they need you.

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