Motivational Quotes

Take your spouse involved

Pursuing goals we have, we need to trust someone who will lead and support us. Do not walk alone. Together Ever Achieve More. This is most of successful people defined what team stand for.

Have you ever drive in heavy rain at night? You can not see the road way. You can only follow the car before you. You never have any doubt because you see. You see, then you believe. Now the question is, who do I trust for? It is difficult question but difficult to answer.

First, be that man. Be someone who can be trusted. Second, do you have spouse. If you have, she or he is the first you can trust. Talk all your goal with your spouse. I don’t want to say that you can not ask someone else you can trust.  My point is, if your spouse could be, your spouse is the first. There is a big power inside, if you can walk along and your spouse is walking with you.

What are you pursuing now? Have you take your spouse involved? Do not wait to long, do not walk alone. If you don’t want to take your spouse involve, so what is spouse to be?

Motivational Quotes

How can I be trusted?

How can I be trusted?

This is a good question. If you have ever asked this question to yourself you have walked 50%. Others 50% is action. Before we continue how we can be trusted, let we talk why we can not trust someone. It is hard to trust someone who have one or more as following:

– Having no integrity
– Not capable.
– Lazy people.
– Having no vision (goal)
– Having different vision.
– Bossy people.
– Unstable Character.
– Having no willingness.

Can you trust someone who have no integrity in life or someone bossy? I think it would take and spent your energy more and more. Now, how can I be trusted can be answered by doing the negative of such point above.

Motivational Quotes

Driving at night in heavy rain

Sometimes we can not avoid driving in the rainy road. Especially for us who lives near equator line. Having this, we need to know something helping us to take control.

Driving through heavy rain at night. One moving light source helping us driving through. We can not see road at the left side and right side end. Even road in front of us can not be seen. However, if we just follow the car before us we can drive as well.

You don’t have to look anywhere on the road, just follow the car in front. Keep the distance, not too close because car’s brake a little bit has influenced by water wetting the wheel and the your tire can be slip. Do not hang up your mobile phone. Adjust the wiper speed according to rain water level.