Freedom, What you have done?

Today is August 17, 2010. Indonesia celebrate the 65th Independence day.

Freedom is the right to do whatever. But the freedom doing things to break out of others freedom, it is not the essence  freedom itself. Freedom means free to do virtues to others. If there is a freedom, have you do something?

If there is freedom to speak, what you have said?
If there is freedom to write, what that you have written?
If there is freedom to act, what have you done?
If there is freedom to sell what have you sold?
If there is freedom to act in what have you done?

Let then do the freedom to yield the freedom for others.

The Power of 3rd Person

The 3rd person is often very influential. That well against the good and the bad things. Your can use the power of third person for your progress. But be careful, as it good to give a big influence, so too bad one.

Have you ever spent time in many minutes with your spouse or child or with your friend just to select the menu of food? But suddenly waitress filed a bid, “This one sir, very nice!” And surely you’re agree. That’s the Powerful of the 3rd Person.

Love “Fair Play” 2010 FIFA World Cup

Watching the 2010 FIFA World Cup? Who are going to be the winner? Why should them as a winner? A lot of things we can learn during this 2010 FIFA world cup. Love Fair Play. Try to look what all the nations have prepared at behind.