Motivational Quotes

Write Down your goal

goalTarget or Goal is one of the most important things to make, It is just as important as results. What was the different having and without targets is the end result.

So what next? Define the end result, make a goal and break it down to smaller goal.
By making it smaller, we can monitor the results time to time. With goal in mind and do it one step ahead, you would be great full heart to thank God for whatever you had have. Make your goal, before you are to become the target of others.

Motivational Quotes

Get Free from a bad habit?

We can be free from a bad habit just only we can replace that habit with another new habit. In other word we say that a habit can only be lost if there is a new habit come.

Many people have found it was difficult to put bad habits out. Let me tell you, all the successful leaders in the world experienced, a habit will never be lost if there is none to replace it.

So if you want to put the bad habit out, simply doing other habits that stronger enough to take a place in your mind.

In many practices, it took more than 3 months continuously doing a new habit to make it stronger enough.
Get habit guide here.

Motivational Quotes

One day is longer than 1 year

Delay just due to lack of preparation or not detailed in making goal will bring us to feel lack of time. We feel that other people have more time rather than we have.

Fail to manage our time will make us to see how quick the time goes by. That is exactly correct for someone realize that the time is quick but fail to manage it.

Other side of people who’s thinking that the day is too long, always think enough time. It surely will make them to delay whatever they want to do.

Finally, for the people like this will exactly correct if we say, 1 day will be felt very long but 1 year will be felt so fast.