Motivational Quotes

Just like driving car

See the public car drivers. He is doing many things in a minute. I was very doubtful to do that when I was teen.
Now driving in thousands kilometers I have, Last year I had ever do drive in while sending messages from my cellular phone. -do not do this- What I have never imagine at begin.
Practice, keep in practice. It is a nutrient for doing something new and difficult. Practice by practice make something easy. See whatever you can do easily now, remember how did you do it at the first. It just like driving car.

Motivational Quotes

Good Book is like mirror

Mirror never tell a lie. Mirror widely used now on.  Rear-view mirrors are widely used in and on vehicles (such as automobiles, or bicycles), to allow drivers to see other vehicles coming up behind them. Some motorcycle helmets have a built-in so-called M.R.O.S (Multiple Reflective Optic System): a set of reflective surfaces inside the helmet that together function as a rear-view mirror. There exist rear view sunglasses, of which the left end of the left glass and the right end of the right glass work as mirrors.

Convex mirrors are used to provide a wider field of view than a flat mirror, and are often used on vehicles, especially large trucks, to minimize blind spots. They are sometimes placed at road junctions, and corners of places such as parking lots to allow people to see around corners to avoid crashing into other vehicles or shopping carts. They are also sometimes used as part of security systems, so that a single video camera can show more than one angle at a time.

Mouth mirrors or “dental mirrors” are used by dentists to allow indirect vision and lighting within the mouth. Their reflective surfaces may be either flat or curved. Mouth mirrors are also commonly used by engineers to allow vision in tight spaces and around corners in equipment.

Just like a mirror use in many areas, take time to read many recommended book. Make it easy to see inside of us, just like mirror.

Motivational Quotes

Puzzle in life

A puzzle is a problem or enigma that tests the ingenuity of the solver. In a basic puzzle one is intended to piece together objects (puzzle pieces) in a logical way in order to come up with the desired shape, picture or solution.

Puzzles are often contrived as a form of entertainment, but they can also stem from serious mathematical or logistical problems — in such cases, their successful resolution can be a significant contribution to mathematical research.

Solutions to puzzles may require recognizing patterns and creating a particular order. People with a high inductive reasoning aptitude may be better at solving these puzzles than others. Puzzles based on the process of inquiry and discovery to complete may be solved faster by those with good deduction skills.

Puzzle game in toys station or puzzle paper on store are designed vary to the children age. It is prohibit 5+ puzzle for 3+ puzzle.

Life contain of puzzles. And we are asked to put a cell according to others. The easiest way to rearrange puzzle is by understanding the picture behind and do step by step. Next step shall be in accordance with one step before and one ahead.

Can you find your puzzle?