Dream. Dream can make someone dares do anything. Even by a dream someone dares to die. Not due to doing together, alone. Proudly, egoism can make double impact of courageous. Togetherness is not always good. Friends who encourage us to dare is not always true or can be justified. If something that brings us to the less, we have the courage, why not for something better? Better for anyone each and better for yourself.
Author: Darman Purba
Together is better.
Walking, doing together something become easier. Just come to acompany can give spirit to others. Of course if you are not troble maker. Sometimes calm down not say anything is stronger influence than say hundreds words.
Remember for a name of friend today. Close to you or far away. Do you think you can make something to support. Together make things easy. Try it today.
On the way going to …
Going to Work, On traffic jam what do you do?
Jika dalam perjalanan kemanapun, jika waktu habis untuk menunggu jalan macet, apa yang Anda kerjakan? Dengar radio, musik atau adakah sesuatu yang lain yang bisa dikerjakan?
If you go anywhere, on the traffic jam … what usually do you do? Listening radio, news. Is there anything else more valuable? How if you have provided one, two recorded tapes or compact/ flash discs and listen it after?