Motivational Quotes

Thinking differently

einsteinAlbert Einstein ever said we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Problems can be solved only by a different thought, different view and in different perspective.

It also means that we had to change our mindset to take us out from this problem or condition. But everybody knows changing is not easy, it is not comfortable. Need some strong motivation inside us to bring us through. Let me take an example; try to carry goods on by your left hand. If you are used to be right hand, you need to adapt. If you are used to brush your tooth before washing your body, it is need to have some adaption doing that. What I want to say is we never have any changes to be better unless we change, unless we move from current situation.

Aim to be good look, we need to change. Aim to be richer, we need to change. Aim to be honest, we need to change. Aim to be patient, we need to change. Bad news, changes is not easy, not comfort us.

I know it’s not easy as easy to say. If we hard to change, wait a moment. Who have told us that change is hard? If it’s hard, compare to what? Compared to what problem we have? The choice is yours.