Motivational Quotes

Appreciate yourself

One of the weakness in our human being is forget. I believe that anyone is feel warmly to be appreciated. Many right time passed, we forget to appreciate the right people. We have learned that people like to be appreciated. Let appreciate others whom it deserved. If your friend, neighboor, spouse have something good, appreciate it.

Ok, that appreciation for other people. I think, it’s worthy to give any appreciation for our own achievement. Appreciate yourself for what you have done good. It’s not measured how big the appreciation is. Just reward it. It does not mean there must have reward in every achievement we have had. Be wise, if the reward could take you up and open the way to challenge us, reward it. If you think there should be a little more step must be achieved before rewarding, do it.

Appreciation and reward that cost nothing is what you talk to yourself. Thanks to God, reward your achievement. This is something tiny reward you can do for yours.

1. Write a card, put down your name.
2. Write a postcard, mail to your own address.
3. Ask your friend or your spouse to have a special time, such as unusual lunch, dinner, etc.

Appreciating others is good as you appreciate yourself.

Motivational Quotes

Thinking too much

For some of area in life, It is not problem of thinking too much. Philosopher are thinker. They works to think, thinking is their life. For who was not a philosopher we may have or make any trouble if we are thinking too much. We can do job too late if thinking too much, and we may lose our opportunities just because of thinking too much.

I have ever heard some one who live in his house and sometimes in a while he was locked in one of the room in that house, in the room that he could not unlock it from inside. There should be anyone to come to open it over. Many days in a week from month to year such thing happend. If he could not have any of his neighboor to come to help, he must wait until his wife come to open it for him, and before it happend he must cry out to call anyone else that could hear his hoping shout. Just to unlock the door.

He has thought to fix the door, but he think it again. How much does it cost? Where could I buy the same door as original one? How can I fix it by myself? If I fix it what about my pending jobs, etc.

He has thought one time to break the door, but he think again. How can I change the door if it really be broken? How if my foot will be blooding, If I kick it down? How if my shoulder will get ill, If I push it? etc.

End of this story, He has married got a nice baby. One day, after his wife has been allowed to go shopping after maternity of his wife …. He  worked to that room, he put a little block for stopping door to close. Unfortunately, he locked there again. He has try to run as fast as he can to stop the door, fail!

Now, this is the real story. He tried to look upon the window whether he could find someone on the outside to ask a help. None. His wife will return back in 2 hours more. One things that make his in trouble. What if his baby crying? What to do if his baby has in trouble? And that’s really what happend. His baby’s crying. Miracle? Less than 5 seconds after that, he has arrived in to his baby’s room and stand close to his baby and hold his baby on his arm. He almost unbelieved for what he has done. The door is okay, just a few of nail and screw need to be fixed out.

We need take action without thinking too much. What we afraid to happend most of them are dissapear.

Motivational Quotes

Keep your Child exited

This morning, I was asked again by my child do not forget to sign up his working paper work. He has asked me to do that since last night. But due to being in a headache, I just put my sign in to 4 works he has done. I said, "It is enough san, does it book has finished sind you passed the A level of kindergarten school, I asked?" He replyed, "Yes, Papi". "So, you do not need to pass it to your teacher any more right, so let Papi sign it later on afternoon after work, I continued." "Ya, ya … he replied"

Last night a few hours I go to the doctor, get consult of my headache. I am get well in the morning. I woke him up, washing his body before going to school and so on.

On the way to work, I thought. I have ever been like my child. I need more appreciation from my Father, mother for the best I did. So my child, what is the different? Nothing. He need it. It is not so influence to me but it will keep him in his way to learn, exlore something exiting for him.

Now I will go home early, 2 hours early than I used to be, Just for asking what else I am going to sign on my child working paper.