Motivational Quotes

You Quoted

Success and Failure has the same root. TRY! Anyone may never get failure because of DO nothing. Try is the best tool for us to know we are capable or not. Try (DO) is the first step. Many people are not TRY something because they are too afraid to be fail, and the price of that too high for them. Too much thinking make us afraid to start. Remember anything was difficult before it get easy.

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.  -Vince Lombardi-
If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.
-Carl Lewis-

Motivational Quotes

No Priority is No Time

jamMany people say that they do not have time. But if we analyze more this statement is usually come from people who have no written agenda. Why they have no time just because lack of time management.

Just a bit different, we still found people who says there is no time, it seems people are busy, have a fairly neat agenda and manage it well. But they say that they do not have time yet.  Having or have no time often comes from the priorities we own. I do playing because I think playing has a higher priority than other.

We can find many people who are still working while most people have slept away. Why? Because they have a priority. Priority have made them to make time available. Is your family have a priority with you, surely there will be time for that. Do you have time for a visit each other, because there is certainly a priority you give to it. You got time for the investment, that means you put a priority on that. Priority will give you a time and time comes upon you because you have a priority.

There was a Priority due to times given, There was a time due to Priority has given to.

Motivational Quotes

Why do farmers could be in patience

farmerWhy does the farmer could be in patience while do seeding, watering, pouring feed etc?

We talk about  doing about farming not daily life. I thought it would be just because they do understand the rule. Time should be taken before get to harvest. There is time to wait while doing it.

There should have any process before getting result.  In here all farmers knowthat process by process should be taken in while, through a certain step at the time until time comes by to bring them to harvest. They should be  kept in patience.

Knowing the rules makes us stay correctly.

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
John Quincy Adams