Motivational Quotes

If you hate a Class of ….

When I was a student, I have ever hate one two or more classes. For instance just say it was a class of statistics, numerical methods, measurements or anything. There, if I decided to sit at behind I shall got bored more over, get sleepy etc. Anyway it caused all topics passed and leave nothing in my head. Later I try to sit on the chair at the first or second row. Until here I was not fell any different. More over If I heard the teacher telling something mistake.

What I did to make me having interest and start to love the class? I ask a question. It was not easy to find a good question. Before I got my question was I repeat to ask what my classmate has asked, but in the little bit difference. By doing this I got my interest and no more getting sleepy.

Sit at least 3 row from the front of class. Ask your own question or try to continue your class mate question.

Motivational Quotes

Sebuah senyuman telah menyelamatkanku, A smile has saved my life.

Ada yang pernah mengatakan bahwa SENYUM adalah gratis, tidak membutuhkan biaya. Nah, sekarang ini kita tidak membicarakan definisi yang diberikan. Saya hanya ingin menceritakan sebuah kisah yang mungkin benar-benar pernah terjadi.

Seorang wanita berjalan dan masuk ke dalam lift. Dia terlihat sangat marah dan seperti frustrasi. Dari lantai 1 hingga 40, dia hanya melihat orang keluar masuk lift. Semua orang terdiam, tidak ada pembicaraan, yang terlihat hanya orang-orang yang gonta ganti melihat ke arah angka di dinding, angka yang menunjukkan di tingkat berapa lift berada.

Di lantai 41 tempat dia berniat keluar, seorang anak muda datang masuk. Dia tersenyum sesaat, bertepatan dengan saat wanita tadi keluar.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, dalam salah satu acara kumpul-kumpul, anak muda itu mendengar kesaksian bahwa wanita yang bertemu dengannya di depan lift bermaksud untuk bunuh diri dengan mencoba melompat dari lantai 41, tetapi senyuman yang diberikannya seakan memberikan kekuatan baru kepadanya untuk memberikan secercah harapan baginya untuk berpikir ulang akan maksudnya dan dengan secercah harapan itu dia memutuskan untuk berani melanjutkan hidupnya, bukan hanya berani untuk mati.

Kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi setelah kita berbicara, kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi setelah kita melakukan hal-hal kecil, tersenyum. Senyum, tetaplah tersenyum. Tidak membutuhkan biaya apa pun. Jika kita tersenyum pada seseorang dan tidak dijawab, tidak masalah. Senyum akan membuat kita melangkah lebih maju. Mau mencoba?

Someone says SMILE is stand for Simple randoM acts of kIndness heLp Everyone. Someone else says SMILE is free, its cost nothing. Now we are not talking what definition has been given. I just want to tell you a story ever happened.
A woman walk and get in to the lift. She was look a frustrated woman.

From the level 1 to 40 she just look the people get in and out of the lift. No talk, everybody just look at the number showing where the lift level was.
In the level 41 where she intent to get out, a young boy come to get the lift in while the frustrated women passing before him. He smile at the moment and go down by the lift.

A few years later, in one of people gathering that young boy listened a witness say that women who meet him in front of the lift were going to kill her self by trying to jump from the 41s, but a smile has given strengthen her to think where she was and get her life.

We never know what will happen after we speak, we never know what will happen after we do a little things. Smile, keep smile to. Its cost nothing, If we smile to someone and its not replied, no matter. Smile will make our step ahead. Wanna try?

Motivational Quotes

Where did you put it after your wedding?

Remember, where did you buy it? How much does it’s cost? Now after wedding, where did you put it?Some people do this:
1. Put on the cupboard, and never have an eye for it.
2. Sell out.
3. Lend Out, and no hope to return back. Wedding Dresses

4. Barter, they change to another goods.
5. Put on the special cases with decorated mirror that can be watch in day long. If your house make it possible, why do not do it for yours.