Motivational Quotes

Patience on Traffic Jam?

Today I was in traffic jam more than 3 hours. This is the long-long jam I have ever been. It is so different with the day before. What to do? I just bring a little book that I have read since 2 days a go.
Why this happend today? Last rainy night? The motor cycle driver? Why the motor cycle always go in where the open are? Could they see after a short meter just make a bigger jam?
If I was a motor rider, I will never go out through the entry way and I will come to the way to make another jam. I know delayed 10 minutes will save hours.
If the people on the road has a little more patience what has happen could certainly be different. But how someone can be patient in the bottleneck? How can someone stay on track in case of congestion? How small vehicles such as motorcycles can be patient in order not to creep out of the cleft, although they will be late to work? And the boss will be angry?

Be patient, start from yourself to be patient. Waiting patiently 5 minutes, you can speed up to 30 minutes. That often happens.

Motivational Quotes

Love, What and How to see?

Sometimes Our Children Spell L.O.V.E with T.I.M.E
Sometimes Our Children Spell L.O.V.E with G.I.F.T
Sometimes Our Children Spell L.O.V.E with H.O.L.D

All over comes from L.O.V.E that correctly we Spell T.I.M.E
If No T.I.M.E no GIFT, NO HOLD or Any Touch and Embrace.

Motivational Quotes

Be on focus

When I was in Elementary School, my neighboor showed me a lens. Through this lens I could see his nose bigger. I was exiting to look another by that lens.
When I was in Junior High School I learned that a lens could be used to burn a paper through sun shine that passing through the lens. I thought that my father and I no more need for a matches to light up. Why, because of light can be focused by the lens. It would be hundreds, thousands times of light’s strength gather together and burn out paper or woods. Focused!

Now I have worked many years. I know something in my journey soon or later will be an obstacle come nearer. Even I will not do something obstacle are present.

Sometimes when I have a goal I see so many distractions appear. Appear? We can judge it appear just when I have a goal? May be yes, may be No. But When I look deeper that problem actually have been there before, but I don’t care because I don’t have any plan going there. So focus on your goal, anything will pass a way. Just focused on your goal.

Have you ever ask your friend, say 5 of friends that use watch. Ask them to read and say what the smallest word that written on the watch. Look in detail, do not be missed to look for the smallest one…. After that ask them, what time is it? In fact, its rare to find out someone that can tell you what time it is. Because they focused on looking the smallest word in the watch, not to find out what time it is. Focused! What you focused to find out, thats will come to you, Soon or later.

One more example, if you want to buy a Honda car, Honda will be the lot cars you see in the streets, although the car was passing actually have a lot of Toyota, Mitsubishi and other car brands. Why so? Because you start to focus on something, Honda Cars. In your eyes Honda cars will become something more concrete and clearer than the other.

So when you are in pursuing the goal and dream, you will face many obstacles. Be focus!