Motivational Quotes

Just make a beat once in second

In the ancient time, the clock maker ask to the clock before selling his clock. “My clock, can you beat as much as 31,157,600 times in a year?” The clock answered, “Ha, it is to much for me to do that!”
“Oh, If that so much for you, can you do it 2,628,000 times in every month?” The clock maker continued.
“You know I just start in working, 2,628,000 are big journey for me at all” the clock replied again in sorrow.
“Oh, I see that, I think you can beat as much as 86,400 times a day, are you?”
“It’s too much for me yet, you know me as a new clock right?”
“3,600 beat an hour, Can you do that?”
“No, it’s too much work yet!”
“If that so, can you work in 60 times for a minute?” The Clock maker asked.
The clock did not answer, after a few seconds the clock replied, “I am afraid to do even 60 times for a minute.”
Then the clock maker asked, “Can you do avery move to beat just once in a second?”
The Clock answered, “Yes, off course I can do that. You should not have to ask me about.”
The Clock maker say, ” If that so, please go to work, make a beat just 1 time in a second.”
After that story the clock do the job to make a beat in each seconds minutes by minutes and hour by hour. The clock reach the beats 31,536,000 in a year as the first question of the maker.

I do ever have many things to do. Everything look like in Quadrant I. Doing anything simultaneously is impossible, we must select what is the first and the next. So as we do, If you feel so hard to do something new, something bored to you. Simplify that. Just do 1 by 1 Do not try to do it all in the same time. Break it down and do one step at the time. Go ahead. Catch your dream!

Motivational Quotes

The nail is not hurt enough

Have you ever seen a dog? Last time 15 to 20 years a go my neighbor have a lot of dogs. If you leave the dog far a way, just say you leave it when the dog was sleeping. The dog could run faster and catch you. It is very fantastic of nose smell to identify the road ever passed.
Now Iam not talking about nose smell or something so.Have you ever seen the dog out there that crying so cruel and hoping anyone to turn to catch him out? It is just because a nail has been hurt it leg? Calling it’s name in most of time just make it crying more. Why does the dog quickly comes by? The answer is, Nail is not hurt enough! Remember, I am not aiming you and suppose to be a dog, but I have ever been like that dog. Feeling hurt in a while but I do nothing. Feel free to stand up, leave the nail if it had been hurt you already. But if you will not going to leave just calm down. Tho choice is ours.
Featured Motivational Quotes

What’s really going on at the end of traffic jam?

English: Traffic jam in BeijingWhen I was in traffic jam, especially on the tol way. I see a simple or a tiny accident could make a long-long jam. Why that condition frequently appeared? Simply none can understand none can predicted well what really happen just in a few meter from the driven car. In this case we need somebody who can tell us where we are and where to go in the right time in the right place.

It is worthy to listen to the experienced people, and listen what they have done before. It was a bad for them but good for us to LEARN.

If all the driver know that the incident occurred in front of it, surely they will avoid the road row although it appears less of jam. The problem will be overcame if all the driver know what is going on in front and all have been taking the right direction in while still a enough significant distance.

In this journey of life, we often face on issues like that. Burdened a responsibility or asked something new. Entering a new school, new jobs, new areas or new rules, we often focus on what appears in front of the eye. The failure of another person come flying on our ear has increasingly encourage us to doubt and fear.

Did you know what we have afraid in, 80% of them do not occur. Do not believe in all that visible in accordance with the truth. See what is invisible is not wrong, just need to realize that because of our limited senses, the assessment, we also limited in that limited sense.

The problem is how we can see, at least how to try to peek behind the wall as well as trying to find out what happens at the steps ahead. Ask to the old men and listen their opinions without debate. They are more sociable and have more experience. They can tell us how they have been going through in what we will face.

Experience can not be purchased. Money can be sought. Through a success story, biography, the testimony of other people find the reflection of your position to move forward. See you at the end of a success