Eagle spirit in 7 precepts

I have heared about a eagle. It is inspiring lots of people due to eagle’s spirits in life. (Almost 70 years life long) But one decision have to be made in 40’s, Life long to the 70 or Ended.

How an eagle to break the nail and other part of its body, other wise an eagle could not be transformed as young. He must choose 40 + 0.5 = 70 years; Or 40 + 0 = 40!

Upgrade Your Mind; – T. L. Pakii Pierce –

On his site T. L. P. Pierce quotes 7 precepts for soaring like an Eagle.

1. Clear Purpose! Clarity is critical. Your destination cannot be reached without a roadmap to a specific destination and no compelling journey can begin without a vision of where you are going. Establish your purpose and reason for being and pursue it with all abandon.

2. Passion! Passion is the product of purpose. How bad do you want?! Does your heart burn for it?. You will really begin to walk in your success when you give yourself fully to the things you are passionate about.

3. Potential! You have to fully appreciate your potential and seek to understand your potential. Your potential is your untapped strength and store up power. Your experience is NOT your potential. Your purpose is equal to your potential. Purpose and Potential go hand in hand. Your purpose is your reason and intention. Your potential is the power to fulfill your intentions.

4. Planning. If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. To lead and succeed you must plan your actions and get it going. Don’t wander aimlessly. Plan your aim and then work your plan.

5. Persistence. You must always be in relentless pursuit of your vision and insist on having what you want. Drive that message home to yourself over and over again. Don’t look for hand outs. Instead, stretch your hand out and reach for your dreams. There is a powerful quote by Mike Murdock that says “God didn’t put the grapes in your hand, He put them within your reach.” Your mission is the reach out and pursue your dreams. Your desire is proof of possibility. If you can dream it then you certainly can achieve it. But you must make it happen and you must insist on having what you want.

6. People. Surround yourself with smart and visionary people. Connect with people who can help you connect with your vision. Connect with other people where YOU you can help them connect with THEIR goals. Avoid toxic people who are miserable and are willing poison your vision.

7. Prayer You must take care of your spirit. Start your day by synchronizing your mind, body, and spirit dimensions. Meditate on the goodness of life and give thanks for what you have and get excited about where you are choosing to go. Center your being on your purpose and start each day powerfully with vision, passion and purpose richly rooted in your heart.

© 2004 T. L. Pakii Pierce – Upgrade Your Mind
The Mindset Motivator
“Think Well & Finish Strong!”

If I were Them, Andaikan Saya di Posisi Itu

Seringkali saya melihat dan bahkan mengalami sendiri di kala berkendara jalan raya, ada mobil atau motor terpaksa berhenti di tengah jalan. Mungkin bahan bakarnya habis atau ada masalah lain. Melihat hal tersebut, umumnya, yang dulu sering saya lakukan adalah membunyikan klakson mobil dan tentu saja atas dasar pemikiran saya sudah terganggu oleh mereka. Entah itu saat saya ingin cepat-cepat pergi ke mal, ke kantor atau pulang ke rumah atau ke mana pun saya pergi, terlepas dari keadaan buru-buru atau tidak.

Suatu kali saya berpikir, sebenarnya dan sepastinya mereka juga tidak ingin seperti itu, kan? Mengapa saya harus berteriak-teriak pada mereka dengan suara klakson saya? Apakah dengan jalan demikian akan mempercepat “cairnya” jalanan? Ya, kalau dari gelagatnya sengaja berlama-lama mungkin ada perlunya.

Jika saya menjadi mereka, pasti saya juga tidak ingin mengalami hal yang sama. Sama seperti mereka pada saat itu. Oops, betapa egoisnya saya. Jika jarak memungkinkan, mengapa tidak mencoba mengatakan: “Tolong Pak, tolong Bu, pindahlah perlahan, saya akan menunggu. Bisakah saya membantu memindahkan? Semoga itu bukan masalah besar sehingga dapat diperbaikinya segera”. Atau apalah … Atau jika tidak dapat melakukan hal tersebut, tenang saja. Biarklah menunggu sampai mereka bisa menepi memberi jalan.

Mengubah kebiasaan yang kurang atau tidak baik memang sulit. Terlalu nyaman untuk berada dalam kondisi yang sedang dijalani membuat kebanyakan orang tidak mau berubah, seperti saya.

Ada sebuah pepatah yang mengatakan: Good life is enemy of Great Life. Hidup yang baik adalah musuh bagi hidup yang hebat. Mari kita berubah untuk berbuah. Itu lebih bermakna.

Change is not good for our habit. It is too comfort to be still. The Good Life is the Enemy for the Great Life.

Rule to be a barrier?

Many people think that the rule, order, only to complicate the procedure and create a complex. Actually it all depends on the way of thinking. There is a quote that says: “How do you think you so” If we think the rules will be a barrier, so it will be a barrier for us.

Try to see in our daily life. Sometimes parking vehicle in crowded paking area making vehicle fixed to the park line compare with park in empty?  Here we do not discuss about risk. Indeed, risk is greater in the crowded parking place. We can utilize parked car as a sign. Similarly with the boundaries or existing procedures, we must see it as a guide or the track so that we can maintain our way to move. If we view a rule as the difficulty, often it is also a reflection of personal rule that we have. Try to imagine if the rules are not present, its very difficult to measure our current situation, next 1 year to the next 5-10 years and even longer. With the rules are not clear yet, it is difficult to evaluate, especially if the rule does not exist.
We still stand on or not, with the pattern rules we can monitor whether we are in stagnant movement or progressive.