February 18, 2025

You can use this site to know the information of specific web address. Information such as traffic rank, related link, Reach, Pageviews, Pageviews/User, Bounce %, Time on Site, Search % and more.

You can also get information about Keywords that generate a significant number of queries on internet search engines and drive traffic to specific site you ask.

Through Alexa you can find the Top 500 Global sites, and you can go browsing further.
In the simple word you can get following in Alexa.com:

  • Get traffic information about a specific website.
  • Find top websites in a specific country.
  • Find top web sites within a category.
  • Learn about Alexa.
  • Learn about Alexa’s products and services.

Update: Mohon maaf sudah hampir setahun layanan Alexa Page Rank dll, ditutup pada Mei 2022; Berikut ini beberapa website yang Anda bisa pakai:
  1. Ahrefs
  2. Semrush
  3. SimilarWeb

Mungkin masih banyak yang memberikan layanan “serupa” Anda bisa mencarinya dan kalau ada layanan serupa yang sudah Anda coba, bisa share di kolom komentar.