February 18, 2025

This morning, I was asked again by my child do not forget to sign up his working paper work. He has asked me to do that since last night. But due to being in a headache, I just put my sign in to 4 works he has done. I said, "It is enough san, does it book has finished sind you passed the A level of kindergarten school, I asked?" He replyed, "Yes, Papi". "So, you do not need to pass it to your teacher any more right, so let Papi sign it later on afternoon after work, I continued." "Ya, ya … he replied"

Last night a few hours I go to the doctor, get consult of my headache. I am get well in the morning. I woke him up, washing his body before going to school and so on.

On the way to work, I thought. I have ever been like my child. I need more appreciation from my Father, mother for the best I did. So my child, what is the different? Nothing. He need it. It is not so influence to me but it will keep him in his way to learn, exlore something exiting for him.

Now I will go home early, 2 hours early than I used to be, Just for asking what else I am going to sign on my child working paper.